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Upcoming Group Courses:

Portuguese Course (All levels)  - Enrollment Open 

Summer 2023 | Date and time to be set | 50 hours 

Portuguese Conversation (A2/B1) - Enrollment Open

All year | Tuedays | 15:00-16:00 | Annual | Face-to-face

Portuguese Course (A2)

Summer 2023 | Date and time to be set


Private Lessons


In the private lessons system, the program is developed according to the student's needs, which allows for greater flexibility both in terms of schedule and the topics to be covered.


Private lessons ensure the teacher's complete attention, providing a learning process tailored to the student's needs and with greater results.



Price table 2022/23


Aulas Individuais*
1-9 horas - 30 €/hora
pacote de 10 horas - 280€
pacote de 30 horas - 810€


Grupo Privado (2 alunos)*
1-9 horas - 17 €/hora
pacote de 10 horas - 160€
pacote de 30 horas - 450€


Grupo Privado (3 alunos)*

1-9 horas - 13 €/hora

pacote de 10 horas - 120€

pacote de 30 horas - 330€

Grupo Privado (4 alunos)*
1-9 horas - 10 €/hora
pacote de 10 horas - 100€
pacote de 30 horas - 255€


Grupo Privado (5+ alunos)*

Preço sob consulta.


(*Preço dos pacotes por pessoa)


Última atualização da tabela de preços: 29 de dezembro de 2022

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